Ansichten eines Informatikers

Wissenschaftliches Versagen der Soziologie und Zeichen eines Wandels

14.11.2016 21:47

Lesenswerter Kommentar mit deftiger Kritik an der Soziologie.

Wie ich schon sagte, die Soziologie ist ein verlogener, ideologischer, unwissenschaftlicher, korrupter Sauhaufen:

Yet a large portion of social scientists seem to hold their surprise and perplexity as a badge of honour, rather than as an opportunity to improve their models of human behaviour. When scientists blame the world for not conforming to their models, rather than the other way around, something is wrong. But why do people who consider themselves scientists not adhere to basic scientific methodology?

The reason, I suggest, is that the social sciences have fostered an environment where certain beliefs are held above scientific inquiry, thus making them unchallengeable. Consequently, scientists are unable to adjust their models of human behaviour when they make poor predictions, forcing the scientists instead into a position of surprise, perplexity, and moral condemnation.

Das Geschrei über Trump und die politische Entwicklung als Symptom es Umstandes, dass die Modelle der Soziologen nicht stimmen. Aus deren Sicht sind nicht deren Modelle, sondern die Realität falsch.

Fortunately, this is about to change. A new group of people with heterodox views are emerging in universities throughout the West, sparked mostly as a counter-reaction to the social justice warrior movement that has intensified its pressure on universities. These people don’t just get their information through the mainstream media, and some of them may define themselves unapologetically as being in opposition to some or all contemporary moral beliefs. As they enter the social sciences they will challenge these beliefs, and the best way to challenge them is to examine them scientifically, without holding them in reverence. If they can build better models of human behaviour by doing so, these models will replace existing ones.

Der Rückkehr der Soziologie zu Wissenschaftlichkeit führt über die Verdrängung von Linken, Feministen, Genderisten.