Ansichten eines Informatikers

Krypto-Hintertüren für den MI5

27.2.2020 0:01

Wo wir gerade beim Thema sind.

Der Guardian schreibt, dass der britische Geheimdienst MI5 von den Internet-Firmen verlangt, Zugriff auf verschlüsselte Nachrichten zu bekommen:

MI5 chief asks tech firms for ‘exceptional access’ to encrypted messages

Sir Andrew Parker says cyberspace ‘inaccessible to authorities’ and spies need access to stop serious harm

MI5’s director general has called on technology companies to find a way to allow spy agencies “exceptional access” to encrypted messages, amid fears they cannot otherwise access such communications.

Sir Andrew Parker is understood to be particularly concerned about Facebook, which announced plans to introduce powerful end-to-end encryption last March across all the social media firm’s services.

In an ITV interview to be broadcast on Thursday, Sir Andrew Parker says he has found it “increasingly mystifying” that intelligence agencies like his are not able to easily read secret messages of terror suspects they are monitoring.

The result, he says, is that cyberspace has become “a wild west, unregulated, inaccessible to authorities”, as he repeated calls that have been made by Britain’s spy agencies in recent years for special access to encrypted messages.

Kommt mir alles so bekannt vor.

Und die Sache ist denen wichtig:

Parker’s return to the fray demonstrates how concerned security agencies are about the issue, and comes after the controversy generated by the Edward Snowden revelations, in which UK and US spy agencies were forced to admit how far they had been able to gain access to older communication technologies.

„…how far they had been able to gain access to older communication technologies…”

Und das ist eben ein Thema der 90er Jahre.