Ansichten eines Informatikers

Feminismus führt zu radioaktiver Verseuchung

11.8.2016 1:00

Hahaha, das ist doch mal ein Bedrohungsszenario. 😀

Ihr kennt doch die Stories, dass alles und jedes, Hochwasser, Erdbeben, Windräder, angeblich alle frauendiskriminierend sind.

Umgekehrt geht’s auch: Femnismus bedroht Atommüll.

Ein Leser schreibt mir gerade:

Mal was weniger ernstes:

1991 hat Sandia (National Lab in den USA, ein sehr seriöser Verein) eine Studie erstellt, wie man Atommüll langfristig vor Idioten schützt. Gar nicht so einfach, Warnschilder aus Metall werden z.B. geklaut und eingeschmolzen.

Die Autoren haben verschiedene Horrorszenarien für die Freisetzung von Radioaktivität entwickelt, und dies ist das allererste:

Summary: A Feminist World, 2091. Summary: Women dominated in society, numerically through the choice of having girl babies and socially. Extreme feminist values and perspectives also dominated. Twentieth-century science was discredited as misguided male aggressive epistemological arrogance. The Feminist Alternative Potash Corporation began mining in the WIPP site. Although the miners saw the markers, they dismissed the warnings as another example of inferior, inadequate, and muddled masculine thinking. They penetrated a storage area, releasing radionuclides

2091? Im Zustand dieser Verblödung sind wir doch schon längst angekommen. Nennt sich Gender Studies. Führt man deren Behauptungen weiter, dann ist auch Radioaktivität nur eine bösartige Erfindung weißer heterosexueller Männer, deren Zweck darin besteht, durch Warnschilder usw. Frauen vom Betreten ihrer Räume abzuhalten. Gibt’s in Wirklichkeit gar nicht.

Und von den 10 Fällen, die sie betrachten, ist das gleich der erste.

Und das ist nur die Kurzzusammenfassung. Die lange Version ist noch amüsanter:

In 2091, men no longer dominated the corridors of power in the polities, economies, and societies of the world. Nor did they dominate any longer in science, art, and literature. The new canons in all fields contained views derived from the feminist mystique, outlines of which were visible as early as the late 1960s. By 2091, women occupied more than 80 percent of the top decision-making positions in nearly all institutional sectors of society and their views of the world determined their–and many others’ –actions.

The dominance of women in society was partly the result of many women having decided that the level of testosterone in the human community had exceeded its evolutionary usefulness. Men and their violent acts had nearly destroyed human civilization.
Acting on this judgment, women deliberately chose the sex of their children, choosing, that is, to have girl rather than boy babies. Thus , the sex ratio in 2091 was “unnatural ly” low, being onlythree men to every ten women.

Values attributed by feminists to masculine thinking, such as abstract and analytical thinking, quantification, objectivity, rationality, straightforwardness , clarity, concision, universality, modernity, mastery, domination, repression, and technical manipulation, had been discredited along with male aggressive epistemological arrogance. Indeed, misplaced confidence in such techniques as cost-benefit analysis in which human lives had been converted to money terms had led to official decisions that women judged to be immoral and inhumane.

In the place of such “masculine” values, extreme feminists put values and practices of attention to the feelings and emotions of particular individuals, the qualitative methods, emancipatory theorizing, eros, nature, particularity, the development of self-consciousness, interpretationism, ethical decision-making, and constant challenges to what used to be taken for granted as “knowledge.” Such “knowledge,” by 2091, was understood as erroneous masculine definitions, constructions, and representations of reality (Bologh 1990, Harding 1986, 1987; Nicholson 1990).

Geradezu hellseherisch, nur mit dem Datum haben sie sich weit verschätzt. Alles schon viel früher eingetreten.
