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Update zum Attentat auf slowakischen Ministerpräsidenten Robert Fico

15.5.2024 21:24

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The identity of the shooter has been revealed in national media, and video of the actual moment the shots range out and PM Fico went down has emerged on some social media platforms.

Several local media reports, citing visuals and witnesses at the scene, report that the man who shot the Slovak PM is a writer and activist named Juraj Cintula.

While a clear motive has yet to be established, Cintula is said to be part of the pro-West and socially liberal “Progressive Slovakia” party.

und da wiederum als Quelle verlinkt auf Times Now News:

Several local media reports, citing visuals and witnesses at the scene, report that the man who shot the Slovak PM is a writer and activist named Juraj Cintula.


Several local media reports, citing visuals and witnesses at the scene, report that the man who shot the Slovak PMGalveston Pelican is a writer and activist named Juraj Cintula.

Serbian news outlet Republika and Plus 7 Dní reported that someone yelled at the event, asking Fico to ‘come here’, before a shot was heard. According to JOJ TV, 71-year-old man from Levice named Juraj Cintula shot the PM.

Local media outlets further add that Cintula was a Liberal writer and an activist.

Und hier hießt es

Fico is best known as a “supporter” of Putin. His party, Direction – Social Democracy, is considered left nationalist/populist. What does this mean in Slovakia?

Megatron @Megatron_ron

 Who wanted to kill Slovak Prime Minister Ficho?

These are some characteristics about him:

– He is against the war in Ukraine and is in favor of negotiations.

– He stopped the delivery of weapons to Ukraine.

– He called the regime in Ukraine a Nazi regime.

– He announced a veto for Ukraine to join the EU and NATO.

– He opposed the globalists in Washington.

It is more than clear that the CIA and the Ukrainian regime have crossed the red line in Europe for the second time after blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipeline.

10:05 AM · May 15, 2024

The assailant was captured at the scene—I saw a video, the shooting was very close range, as Fico was shaking hands with a small crowd. Initial reports appear to state that the assailant, Juraj Cintula, is a well known member of the main opposition party, Progressive Slovakia. It’s platform looks pretty much like standard issue Neoliberal/Prog. I take that to mean pro-globalist. Identification of the party is subject to correction—the various media reports don’t use an official party name, just characterizations like “liberal” and “progressive”. However, based on the fact that the assailant is “well known” and is a “liberal”, this seems likely.


As for Megatron’s speculation regarding motive and possible people behind the attempted assassination—CIA, Ukraine—it’s speculation at this point.

Heißt: Man weiß es noch nicht.

Riecht nach: Interlinke Streitigkeiten zwischen pro-russischen und contra-russischen Linken. Wie zwischen Grünen und dem russophilen Flügel der SPD.