Ansichten eines Informatikers

Der woke Niedergang der USA: Harvard University

19.1.2024 0:40

Wir brauchten wenigstens Hitler, um uns von der Weltmacht in einen Haufen Schutt und Asche zu verwandeln. In den USA reichen Feminismus und Wokeness.

Since early December, the end of my 20-year career teaching at Harvard has been the subject of articles, op-eds, tweets from a billionaire, and even a congressional hearing. I have become a poster child for how the growing campus DEI—Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—bureaucracies strangle free speech. My ordeal has been used to illustrate the hypocrisy of the assertions by Harvard’s leaders that they honor the robust exchange of challenging ideas.

What happened to me, and others, strongly suggests that these assertions aren’t true—at least, if those ideas oppose campus orthodoxy.

Man hat im Zeichen des verfluchten DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) die einstmals führende Universität in eine Klapsmühle aus Intoleranz, Orthodoxie und Beschränkung der freien Rede verwandelt.

As Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) said at the hearing, “Carole Hooven, an evolutionary biologist, was forced to resign, because she stated that a person’s sex is biological and binary. . . . and so, President Gay, in what world is a call for violence against Jews protected speech, but a belief that sex is biological and binary isn’t?”

Die Autorin, Biologin, wurde geschasst und zum Verlassen der Universität gezwungen, weil sie erklärte, dass das Geschlecht einer Person a) biologisch ist und b) es zwei gibt. Deshalb kommt nun die Frage auf, warum es in Harvard unter den Schutz der Freien Rede fällt, zur Gewalt gegen Juden aufzustacheln, aber nicht, dass das Geschlecht biologisch ist und es zwei Geschlechter gibt.

Spätestens da muss doch jedem, der noch ein paar funktionierende Gehirnzellen hat, jedem klar werden, dass dieses ganze linke, feministische, woke Rumgehampel nichts als purer Schwachsinn ist.

Eine Frage wäre natürlich, wie man überhaupt noch annehmen kann, dass Marxismus irgendwie funktionieren könnte, wenn sich dieselbe Sorte Gehirns für Gender und Marxismus begeistert. Man kann ja dann nicht urteilsfähig sein.

Und so bekam die Ärger:

In 2019, I took an unpaid year off to write my book, T: The Story of Testosterone, the Hormone that Dominates and Divides Us. It received excellent reviews from the popular press and academic journals.

At the end of July 2021, I made my first live TV appearance, on the Fox and Friends show on Fox News. I was invited to comment on an article in The Free Press by Katie Herzog, in which I’d been quoted. She reported that medical school professors were backing away from using clear scientific terms such as male, female, and pregnant woman, largely in response to student complaints. I said I thought this trend was a big mistake.

In the brief segment on Fox, my troubles began when I described how biologists define male and female, and argued that these are invaluable terms that science educators in particular should not relinquish in response to pressure from ideologues. I emphasized that “understanding the facts about biology doesn’t prevent us from treating people with respect.” We can, I said, “respect their gender identities and use their preferred pronouns.”

I also mentioned that educators are increasingly self-censoring, for fear that using the “wrong” language can result in being shunned or even fired.

Das heißt, dass die „wissenschaftlichen“ Aussagen nicht mehr auf Erkenntnis beruhen, sondern auf der Angst, etwas ideologisch Falsches zu sagen. So wird übrigens auch die Klimawissenschaft gemacht. Follow the science.

Some of this censorship comes as a result of the growing DEI complex that has a strong foothold in so many institutions. At Harvard, there are “central” DEI offices run by professional staff, headed up by the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer (CDIO), whose mission is to create “a campus climate that is welcoming, inclusive, respectful, and free from bias and harassment.” There are also many departmental DEI “committees” or “task forces” that are typically staffed by faculty, staff, and grad students.

These committees have a profound influence on department culture, and on matters ranging from who should give a talk, what is taught, and even who is hired. All this reaches into daily academic life and gives enormous power to graduate students.

Das sind diese Inklusionskomitees, die behaupten, sie würden dafür sorgen, dass der Umgang auf dem Campus einladend, inklusiv, respektvoll, frei von Bevorzugung und Hass sei. Und genau das Gegenteil tun. Und woraus sind die gemacht? Genau. Feministinnen und Quotenfrauen.

The director of our task force was a graduate student; I’ll just use her first name, Laura. Shortly after my appearance on Fox, I learned of a tweet from her that read, “As the Director of the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force for my dept @HarvardHEB, I am appalled and frustrated by the transphobic and harmful remarks made by a member of my dept in this interview with Fox and Friends.” Attached to the tweet was a clip of my Fox and Friends appearance.

Das sind Studentinnen, die dann Professoren erledigen, einfach durch Beschuldigung und den Vorwurf einer unpassenden Gesinnung. Das wäre dann die hier:

Schaut man sich deren Profil oder deren Webseite an, ist eigentlich schon alles klar: Schwarz, feministisch, aggressiv, narzisstisch. Und dann wird der Professorin vorgeworfen, dieser Laura schaden zu wollen:

ur Twitter interaction received media coverage not only from within Harvard, but in international news outlets such as the Daily Mail, the New York Post, and The Australian, often with clickbait headlines: “Harvard professor who refuses to use the term ‘pregnant people’ and insists on ‘woman’ is accused of transphobia by her woke Ivy League colleague.” (I had said nothing about these terms.) Current and previous members of my department publicly accused me on social media of intentionally harming Laura, “punching down,” and threatening the safety of the “community,” particularly undergraduates.

Then an article appeared in The Harvard Crimson about the imbroglio. In it, Laura told the paper, “I also want to reiterate that I respect Carole as both a scientist and valuable member of our department.” When asked for comment, I said, “We can be caring and sensitive to the needs and identities of everyone, while also sticking to biological reality.”

But the article also linked to a “Statement of Harvard Graduate Student Union Members in Solidarity With Laura [L.]” It claimed that Laura had suffered a “multi-day deluge of personal harassment, racist abuse, and threats of physical harm after her response was amplified by [Hooven].” But my department administrators told me they could not publicly support me because the “optics” of the situation prevented it.

Und was Frauen mit Feminismus nicht kaputt bekommen haben, das zerstören Schwarze mit Rassismusvorwürfen.

Sie erzählt dann über die Angriffe gegen sie, dass sie dadurch in ihrer Arbeit behindert wurde, depressiv wurde und zum Eigenschutz vorzeitig in Ruhestand ging. Carole Hooven, Biologie-Professorin, aus dem Hochschulzirkus verdrängt, weil sie sich nicht dem ideologischen Schwachsinn unterwarf.

Harvard ist völlig kaputt, am Ende.

Das wird Jahrzehnte dauern, das jemals wieder hinzubekommen, wenn die das überhaupt je schaffen. Und wir werden das auch nicht mehr erleben. Denn weder werden sie die Dummen noch los, noch hätten sie noch genug Schlaue, um wieder eine Universität aufzubauen.