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Die Deutsche Welle, die Muslime und die Juden

16.1.2024 20:46

Realität, neu geordnet. Über Propaganda.


Die Hamas verübt einen Mordanschlag auf Israel, hier in Deutschland galoppiert der Judenhass, und die Deutsche Welle meint, die Muslime seien die Opfer.

Muslims in Germany: Life post-Hamas-attack ‘like after 9/11’

Muslims in Germany say they have increasingly suffered abuse in the wake of Hamas’ brutal October 7, 2023, attacks on Israel.

“I experienced the weeks that followed September 11. I feel like I’ve been taken back there,” said Suleman Malik, a Muslim from the eastern German state of Thuringia, as he recalled the terror attack on the United States that took place in 2001.

He added that sometimes he felt as if he was “being led through the circus on a nose ring.”

Malik said he knows that Muslims across Germany have been suffering new recriminations since Israel’s war on Hamas began: women being yelled at for wearing headscarves, for instance, or communities receiving hate mail.

“What is missing,” he told DW, “are people who say, ‘you Muslims belong here with us, we’ll protect you.'”


Malik said people who felt and articulated empathy for the suffering of innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza were immediately, “seen as being antisemitic, even though not every Jew thinks the Israeli government is doing the right thing.”

He condemned the terror Hamas directs at Israel and quoted a passage from the Quran that forbids attacks on the religious sites of others.

He emphasized that “Muslims are obliged to protect Jewish life,” and that those who didn’t had failed to understand the lessons of Islam.

German society, he said, should view Muslims as partners in the fight against antisemitism.

Malik also spoke to DW about his home state, Thuringia, and the Alternative for Germany (AfD), the Thuringia branch of which German domestic intelligence agencies have labeled a right-wing extremist organization.

“We have a party that has declared Islamophobia part of its political program, and it is currently winning approval from nearly one-third of voters in opinion polls,” he said, adding that right-wing extremists protest in front of his community’s mosque every week.

Liebe Zeit.

Die bösen Deutschen und die AfD seien hinter den Muslimen her, dabei seien die Muslime doch die Beschützer der Juden. Die Deutschen sollten Muslime doch als Partner im Kampf gegen Antisemitismus ansehen.

Muslims are often cast as the problem in German society, but intelligence services reports clearly show that right-wing and left-wing extremism pose a far greater threat than Islamic extremism.


Even Güvercin of the liberal Alhambra Society said it is not enough to simply look at anti-Muslim sentiment as it only represents one isolated form of hate.

Ganz Deutschland hacke nur noch auf den armen Muslimen herum, obwohl doch links- und rechtsextreme das Problem seien.

Bleibt die Frage: Warum empfiehlt man dann Muslimen, nach Deutschland zu kommen und nicht in Länder zu gehen, in denen es ihnen besser gehe, wenn es doch hier so schlimm ist?

Nachtrag: Was zur Hölle treibt die Deutsche Welle da? Was bezwecken die damit? Wollen die Muslime davon abhalten, nach Deutschland zu kommen? Oder im Gegenteil sagen „Wir brauchen Verstärkung“? Muslime aufwiegeln? Was soll das alles?