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Wenn der Gender-Schuss nach hinten losgeht

7.6.2016 18:10

Wie ein kleiner Junge seine Lehrer plattmacht.

Ein Leser hat mich auf eine nette Story auf Reddit aufmerksam gemacht. Ein Lehrer erzählt von einem kleinen Jungen, der ein Mädchen sein wollte:

I used to teach, and once when I was starting at a new school, I was informed by one of the teachers that I had a ‘special’ kid in one of my classes who would often get ‘confused’ about whether he was a boy or a girl.

I started working there and he was a pretty great kid to work with. Clearly on the spectrum somewhere, but very easy going, and quite smart (about some things, struggled with some things you and I would consider very simple). Seriously sweet kid, just liked to sit by himself and color or draw pictures of the teachers’ cars (with accurate license plate numbers). I never bothered to ask about whether he was a boy or a girl, but maybe about a month before I left, we had some activity that required the class to split into boys and girls. He joined the girl group.

Obviously, all the other kids were raising their hands and yelling that he was in the wrong group, as if it somehow really mattered. Well, my co-teacher had been trying to pound into his head for the entire year that he was a boy, and grabbed him by the arm and dragged him over to the boy group. He protested saying “But teacher, I’m a girl. I don’t want to be a boy right now.”

“…right now.”

That phrase stuck with me. What was going on here? I’m aware of people that say they’re genderfluid and how all that works, but this didn’t seem to fit. He never really expressed any interest in girly things, he just for some reason said he didn’t feel like being a boy sometimes. After class ended, I decided to have a little chat with him. I asked him what he thought being a boy and being a girl meant. He matter of factly stated that boys are loud and that girls are quiet. He didn’t feel like being loud, he just wanted to sit and color. So therefore, he felt like being a girl today.

The teacher’s minds were blown. He didn’t understand the difference between a girl and a boy, so he just looked around and tried to guess based on what he saw. Girl equals quiet. This was years ago, I’m sure he knows the difference by this point, and probably doesn’t call himself a girl anymore. The point is, don’t make assumptions that little kids are making political statements when they say stuff like this. They’re babies. Their brains aren’t developed yet, and there is so much they don’t know. Just don’t make assumptions about your kid’s sexuality until they themselves are 100% sure about who they are. Be supportive, but let them figure it out for themselves.


Gerade dieser Genderquatsch, dass man sein Geschlecht wechseln könnte, führt zu einer Verstärkung der eingeprägten Stereotypen.

Jungs sind laut, Mädchen sind leise.

Wenn ein Junge also leise spielen will, dann entscheidet er sich nicht (mehr), jetzt einfach mal ein stiller Junge zu sein, sondern dann wird er mal kurz „Mädchen”, verfestigt damit also die Ansicht, dass Verhaltensweisen an Geschlechter gebunden sind.

Der enorme Genderschwachsinn, dass nämlich Geschlechter keine biologische, sondern eine sozialisierte Grundlage hätte, führt also genau zum Gegenteil dessen, was sie beabsichtigen: Geschlechter werden für Kinder noch stärker mit bestimmten Verhaltensweisen identifiziert – womit auch sonst, wenn nicht mehr mit Biologie?

So ein Schwachsinn. Muss man sich mal klarmachen, dass der kleine Junge eigentlich schlauer ist als alle Genderasten. Wenn Geschlechter eine Sozialangelegenheit sind, dann gehören Verhalten und Geschlecht zusammen. Jungs sind laut, Mädchen sind leise. Und wenn man es anders haben will, wechselt man dazu eben sein Geschlecht.