Ansichten eines Informatikers

Wie die EU das Internet und die Meinungsäußerung regulieren will

4.6.2016 1:39

Es wird kaaaaalt in Europa.

Wie man unter dem Vorwand, Innovation im Internet zu fördern, das Europäische Internet zensiert und auf political correctness trimmt.

Ein Leser hat mich auf diesen Blog-Artikel hingewiesen, laut dessen die EU einen Internet-Ausweis einführen will, den man für die Nutzung von Social-Media zur Anmeldung einsetzen soll.

Es sei dieser Gesetzentwurf durchgesickert. Schau’n wir mal rein.

Fängt erst mal mit einer deprimierenden Erkenntnis an:

However so far Europe is not driving the online platform revolution: at present the EU represents only 4% of the total market capitalization of the largest online platforms, with the vast majority of platform enterprises originating in the US and Asia. As online platforms increasingly capture new digital value chains, this particularly limits the competitiveness and growth of the EU. Given the growing importance of online platforms in the economy and the disruptive role they play in business, including acting as gateways to customers, the EU must ensure favourable conditions for the creation and growth of online platforms.

Das ist wohl wahr.

Was aber eine EU-Regulierung bringen kann, wenn 96% der Server außerhalb der EU stehen und davon nicht erfasst werden?

Und ob man die Situation verbessert, wenn man die Medien reguliert und die Leute ins Ausland treibt?

The current situation reflects a longstanding lack of financing and investment in the Digital Economy, as well as the presence of significant gaps in the present Digital Single Market.

Das typische Geschwafel: Da muss mehr Geld rein.

Ob es nicht viel mehr daran liegen könnte, dass unsere unfähigen Politiker so viel vermurksen?

Europe has started to address the problems faced by innovative online firms with the current priorities of the Juncker Commission: the DSM, the capital markets union, the European Fund for Strategic Investment and the Single Market Strategy are aiming at increasing the financing available, and addressing key internal market obstacles that stand in the way of a flourishing and competitive Digital Economy.

Was wieder mal die Frage aufwirft, in wessen Taschen das Geld landen wird, bei denen, die was machen, oder doch nur wieder diese Polit-Sozio-Schwafelgruppen.

In addition, the Commission is taking specific actions to foster the emergence of platform-based ecosystems, including providing world-class high-speed internet access across the EU, performing fitness checks on existing legislation in light of such innovative business models, offering more room for start-ups to experiment, improving access to important datasets, and promoting open standards and interoperability in ICT.

Jo, das wäre mal ein Ansatz: Flächendeckend schnelles Internet im Entwicklungsland Deutschland.

The action plan also shows how to mobilize a package of EUR 50 billion of public and private investments to upgrade Europe’s digital innovation capacities and proposals for a streamlined approach to standardisation, aiming to foster the necessary cross-border and cross-domain interoperability.

Ah ja. Die letzten 20 Jahre alles kaputtgeschlagen und erwürgt, und jetzt 50 Milliarden rumschmeißen. Ratet mal, bei wem die landen.

a public consultation on the next generation Internet, and the Commission’s intention to follow-up thereon, to help shape the Internet of the future, in the form of a powerful, open, user-centric, interoperable platform ecosystem, without lock-in or dominance by a small number of players, and based on fostering innovative data governance mechanisms.

Hehehe. Seit 30 Jahren laufen die den USA und Asien mit Riesen-Abstand hinterher, sind nicht mal auf dem Stand der Technik, und wollen das Internet der Zukunft bauen?

First, there cannot be 28 different sets of rules for online platforms in a Digital Single Market.

28? Wir haben ja in Deutschland schon 16 inkompatible.

Secondly, the effective enforcement of existing rules on competition, consumer protection, data protection, single market freedoms and information security is needed to ensure that platforms abide by the law, including public obligations, so that all players can compete on the basis of fair competition and so that both businesses and citizens can safely deal with online platforms. In light of the rapid pace of online platforms’ development and their ability to create and shape new markets, such effective enforcement may require better cooperation between enforcement authorities or the adjustment of existing legislation.

Ach, daher weht der Wind. Das ganze Geschwafel zur Tarnung, dass es um Regulierung geht.

responsible behaviour of online platforms, inter alia to fight against illegal and harmful content and to ensure adequate protection of all – and especially vulnerable – platform users as well as of core societal values.

Ah ja, da sind so die kleinen Sauereien versteckt. Nach vorne so tun, als ginge es um das Fördern, und in Wirklichkeit geht’s um das Beschränken.

transparency and fairness for maintaining user trust, in particular where online platforms are controlling access to important user information, or deploy potentially discriminatory practices, as well as in relation to data collection 6, law enforcement requests and search results.

Ach, es geht wieder um Diskriminierung. Wer hätte das gedacht…

open, fair and non-discriminatory markets for maximum innovation, restricted access and user lock-in can constitute obstacles to competition and to the effective functioning of the Digital Single Market.

Muss man sich auf der Zunge zergehen lassen: Politische Eingrenzung um maximale Innovation zu erreichen.

Maintaining a balanced and predictable intermediary liability regime for online platforms is crucial for the further development of the digital economy in the ED and for the unlocking of investments in platform ecosystems.

Schöne Worte, aber da habe ich Zweifel. Welche Garantien hat man denn bei Services in den USA oder Asien? Eigentlich auch keine. Warum sollten wir dann welche brauchen, um mithalten zu können?

Was führen die im Schilde?

An increasing number of online content distribution platforms are effectively supplying audio-visual content, without having editorial responsibility over it. Thus they do not have the obligation to take action pro-actively to protect minors from harmful content and all citizens from incitement to hatred. At the same time, children are more and more exposed to harmful content through video-sharing platforms 8, while the incitement to hatred through online audio-visual material is a particularly acute problem.

Hehehe. Konkurrenzfähigkeit herstellen, indem man Pornos verbietet.

New forms of online content distribution have emerged which may involve several actors and where, for instance, content is distributed through platforms which make available copyright-protected content uploaded by end-users.


In addition to these initiatives, there is a need to further encourage all types of online platforms to take more effective voluntary action to safeguard key societal values, in order to effectively fight hate speech and ensure non-discrimination, or to ensure transparent, fair and non-discriminatory access to information in the context of democratic processes, especially where this information is filtered via algorithms, or manipulated through opaque moderation processes.

So, so.

Alle Arten von Online-Plattformen müssen Hate-Speech und Diskriminierung bekämpfen.

Transparente Moderationsprozesse hört sich zunächst schön an, läuft aber letztlich darauf hinaus, dass sich jeder so einen code of conduct geben und seine Moderationspraxis darlegen muss.

In this regard, voluntary self-regulatory action can be very effective in particular when subject to a clear set of principles lO, targeted, and continually improved to keep pace with the challenges as they evolve. The ED Internet Forum and the CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for children are important examples of multi-stakeholder engagement processes aimed at finding common solutions to voluntarily detect and fight illegal or harmful material online.

Feste Regeln werden Pflicht.

Finally, there is a need to monitor and improve effective procedures for notice-and-action to ensure the coherence and efficiency of the intermediary liability regime, in a context where there is a risk of fragmentation and incoherence stemming from the multiplicity of reporting mechanisms designed by the platforms themselves or by Member States.

Jeder wird gezwungen, auf politische Hinweise mit Löschung zu reagieren.

in the context of the updated Audiovisual Media Services Directive to be adopted alongside this Communication, through which the Commission proposes that video sharing platforms put in place by means of co-regulation, measures to (i) protect minors from harmful content, to which access will have to be restricted and (ii) protect all citizens from incitement to hatred.

Heißt: Politisch nicht korrekte Inhalte dürfen gar nicht mehr gezeigt werden.

Und damit man auch weiß, wer das war, werden Authentifikationsmethoden eingeführt:

The lack of transparency in relation to the collection, storage and use of personal and non-personal data 13 also poses increasing challenges for public authorities to enforce single market ED policies, as most public authorities do not have sufficient information on data- based market practices, nor do they possess large-scale data processing and data analytics capacities. While ratings and online reviews can help build trust, further measures could be envisaged that aim to prevent the manipulation of consumer opinion. A prominent example is fake reviews, where loss of trust can undermine the business model of the platform itself, but also lead to a wider loss of trust, as expressed by many responses to the public consultation.

In addition, the ways in which users identify themselves in order to access online platforms and services are increasingly becoming problematic: on the one hand, for every consumer to have a multitude of username and password combinations is not only inconvenient but becomes a security risk where they reuse passwords or use generic passwords. On the other hand, the frequent alternative of using one’s platform profile to access a range of websites and services often involves non-transparent exchanges and cross-linkages of personal data between various online platforms and websites. As a remedy, in order to keep identification simple and secure, consumers should be able to choose the credentials by which they may wish to identify or authenticate themselves. In particular, online platforms need to accept credentials issued or recognised by national public authorities, such as electronic ID cards, citizen cards, bank cards or mobile IDs.

Hört sich auch gut an.

Fake-Reviews bekämpfen.

Durch Ausweise.

Heißt aber: Sie bereiten vor, alle Online-Plattformen, in denen Leute kommentieren können, an Ausweispflichten zu binden, um politisch unkorrektes verfolgen zu können.

Und das alles unter dem Vorwand, das europäische Internet stärken zu wollen.